Front Game Rules
In the first round of play, a total of four matches took place between two players, all selected from the audience from one of four "islands." Eubanks read a question, and players buzzed in as soon as they thought they knew it. A right answer won a point, a wrong answer gave the point to the other player. The first player to reach 2 points won the game, received a small prize, and advanced to the second round.
End Game
The champion stood inside the "Money Volcano," which was basically a one-person wind tunnel. Inside the Volcano were various slips of paper describing prizes, cash, or $1 bills. After the Volcano was turned on, the player had 15 seconds to grab as many bills as possible and put them into their pouch (only bills in the air counted). After time ran out, Eubanks took the pouch and drew bills out one at a time, describing their contents to the player, up to a maximum of 10 bills. The player could stop and take all that was drawn up to that point, because if Eubanks drew a $1 bill, all the winnings from the Volcano went up in smoke (sorry, couldn't resist). Occasionally, Eubanks would offer a prize in exchange for one of the bills.